The Dollar is the Big Problem

Gary Kaltbaum
is an investment advisor with over 18 years experience, and a Fox News Channel
Business Contributor. Gary is the author of

The Investors Edge.
Mr. Kaltbaum is also the
host of the nationally syndicated radio show “Investors Edge” on over 50 radio
stations. Gary is also editor and publisher of “Gary Kaltbaum’s Trendwatch”…a
weekly and monthly technical analysis research report for the institutional
investor. If you would like a free trial to Gary’s Daily Market Alerts

click here

or call 888.484.8220 ext. 1.


I have some random and some repetitive thoughts today.

The DEMS have given no credit to the Bushies for the economy over the past
few years. Watch what the DEMS try to do with the economic numbers we are now
seeing. Amazingly, they will and the media will enable them to completely forget
the past four years…and concentrate on one month. They are now going to blame
the Bushies for housing, lending and every other problem out there…including
your stuffed-up toilet.

The New York Times is already starting in. Here is one paragraph from this
weekend: “Democrats, or some Republicans with a change of heart, must articulate