TradingMarkets 7 ETFs You Need to Know for Monday

Sellers remained on the offensive in the technology sector, sending the ^SSG^ higher on Friday. Sellers managed to reverse a strong start from the ^FAS^ which reversed to close in oversold territory above the 200-day moving average.

Country funds representing Indian stocks were on the move higher from recent oversold lows as well, with the ^INP^ finishing up to end the week.

Here are 7 ETFs You Need to Know for Monday:

The ^SPY^ closed in oversold territory above the 200-day moving average for a second consecutive session on Friday. Also closing in oversold territory for a second day – though at even more extreme levels – was the ^QQQQ^ which closed at new short term lows.

Among the top ETF PowerRatings funds for Monday are the ^XLK^, which maintained its top 10 rating over the course of trading on Friday. The same can be said for the ^EWJ^, which closed in oversold territory to finish the week.

Starting off strong then reversing over the course of the trading day was the ^XLY^, which is back in oversold territory above the 200-day.

Continuing lower below the 200-day moving average are commodity ETFs like the ^USO^. Still above its 200-day, although increasingly oversold, is the ^KOL^.

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