TradingMarkets 7 Stocks You Need to Know for Thursday

Stocks soared on positive news from the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book report. Improving economic conditions in the majority of the Fed’s districts provided a solid signal that the recovery is taking hold. A series of analysts’ upgrades and earnings optimism added to the buying frenzy. Word of a proposed SEC ban on unsupervised trading did little to squelch the bullish fever. The DJIA advanced 53.51, the Nasdaq soared 25.59, and the S&P 500 added 9.46.

Here are 7 stocks you need to know about for Thursday.

Chip giant, ^INTC^, is announcing after the bell on Thursday with an expected EPS of 35 cents.

65 cents/share is the forecast number for ^WMK^ after the close on Thursday.

^COOL^ has its eyes set on 7 cents/share after the trading day ends on Thursday.

Before the open, ^BGG^, announces with a consensus estimate of 6 cents/share.

^SJR^ has investors awaiting an EPS of 33 cents prior to trading.

^HSY^ has joined the fray to acquire ^CBY^.

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