TradingMarkets 7 Trading Ideas for Today

Here are 7 trading ideas for today. These lists come directly from the TradingMarkets Stock Indicators page and are based upon our latest quantitative research.


5+ Consecutive Down Days: These are stocks that have closed down for five or more consecutive days and are
trading above their 200-day moving average. Our research shows that stocks
trading above their 200-day moving average that close down for five or more days
have shown positive returns, on average, 1-day, 2-days and 1-week later.
Historically, these stocks have provided traders with a significant edge.

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. MAT’s PowerRating is 6.

5+ Consecutive Lower Lows: These are stocks that have made a lower low for five or more
consecutive days and are trading above their 200-day moving average. Our
research shows that stocks trading above their 200-day moving average that
make lower lows for five or more days have shown positive returns, on average,
1-day, 2-days and 1-week later. Historically, these stocks have provided
traders with a significant edge.

Pediatrix Medical
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. PDX’s PowerRating is 6.

2-Period RSI Below 2: These are stocks that have a 2-period RSI reading
below 2 and are trading above their 200-day moving average. Our research shows
that stocks trading above their 200-day moving with a 2-period RSI reading below
2 have shown positive returns, on average, 1-day, 2-days and 1-week later.
Historically, these stocks have provided traders with a significant edge.

Windstream Corporation
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& Carmax
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WIN’s PowerRating is 6, KMX’s PowerRating is 8.


Gaps Up 5% or More: These are stocks that gap up by 5% or more and are trading
below their 200-day moving average. Our research shows that stocks trading
below their 200-day moving average that gap up by more than 5% have shown
negative returns, on average, 1-day, 2-days and 1-week later. Historically,
these stocks have provided traders with a significant edge.

SLM Corporation
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. SLM’s PowerRating is 4.

5+ Consecutive Up Days: These are stocks that have closed up for five or more
consecutive days and are trading below their 200-day moving average. Our
research shows that stocks trading below their 200-day moving average that
close up for five or more days have shown negative returns, on average, 1-week
later. Historically, these stocks have provided traders with a significant
edge. Historically, these stocks have provided traders with a significant

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. INTU’s PowerRating is 3.

2-Period RSI Above 98: These are stocks that have a 2-period RSI reading
above 98 and are trading below their 200-day moving average. Our research shows
that stocks trading below their 200-day moving with a 2-period RSI reading above
98 have shown negative returns, on average, 1-day and 1-week later.
Historically, these stocks have provided traders with a significant edge.

Johnson & Johnson
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. JNJ’s PowerRating is 4.

PowerRatings are courtesy of

Reminder: We are in no way recommending the
purchase or sale of these options. This article is intended for education
purposes only. Trading should be based on your own understanding of market
conditions, price patterns and risk; our information is designed to contribute
to your understanding.