Treasury Yields Continue To Climb

In Thursday’s economic news
Initial Jobless Claims rose slightly more
than expected

Bond prices extended their decline, closing lower
for the seventh consecutive day.

The US Dollar Index rose, as the Dollar posted solid gains versus all the

Gold closed slightly lower, along with Silver. Copper opened strong but closed
weak, just above the low of the day.

Crude Oil closed flat, Unleaded Gas and Heating Oil rose, while Natural Gas
declined as the EIA reported a rise in stockpiles.

Cotton -3.48% was the only faller among the softs.

Soybean Oil +0.20% was the only riser among the grains.

The meats were mixed.

Economic News

Initial Jobless Claims Up 11,000 To 308,000 (report)

EIA – Natural Gas Stockpiles Rose 79 BCF

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Ashton Dorkins

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