Up, Up And Away

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, from the Momentum-5
, extended its parabolic run to close at a new one-year high in its
fourth straight weekly higher close. Traders were encouraged to buy and
take home longs over the weekend after reports emerged that loadings of cocoa at
Ivory Coast ports did not increase. The strong upside momentum has cleared away
sellers wary of stepping in front of the rally.

Cocoa also rallying rallied out of a Pullback From Highs
pattern. However, look for a potential short covering Monday as the March
contract sets up a
Turtle Soup Reversal sell pattern. Cocoa closed 52 higher at 1056.


OJH1 |
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looks like it is trying to find bottom. Juice etched an
imperfect bullish engulfing bar and closed on its high for a gain of 1.30 on the
session to 76.40.

March cotton
CTH1 |
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tracing higher lows out of its Turtle Soup Plus One set up from Wednesday.
Cotton scored its second consecutive inside day to close .65 higher at 61.25.

Debt futures steepened
slightly in quiet trade, meaning that the short end rose more than the long end
(notes and bills rose more than bonds). As the price of these debt instruments
rises, their interest rate drops. The greater drop in yield in the closer-term
contracts worked to solidify the view that the Fed will cut short-term interest
rates by 50-basis points next week. The February federal funds futures
FFG1 |
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is pricing in a 96% chance of a 50-point cut.

Three down signals from the
Trend Matrix
gave the early clue that stock index futures could decline
could tumble. Nasdaq 100 futures
NDH1 |
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started down just a few
handles from limit-down curb levels. The futures later rallied more than 110 off
lows before settling 32.00 higher at 2645.50. S&P futures
SPH1 |
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traveled over a 16.00 handle range before closing off 1.20 at

Dow futures

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lost 72.0 to 10,710.0.

The dollar’s recent
strength appears to be have a different expectation to the bond market on how
much the Fed is likely to cut. Dollars perform better when interest rates are
relatively higher. Recent dollar strength implies that dollar traders believe
the market priced in too much of a rate cut.
March dollar index futures
DXH1 |
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slipped just .12 to 111.48. Euro FX futures
ECH1 |
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Swiss francs

SFH1 |
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, and

British pounds

BPH1 |
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all struck
New 10-Day Lows
yesterday, an early indication that their upside momentum
may have been collectively broken and that a downside momentum swing may be in
place. ECH1 gained .00250, SFH1 added .0013 and BPH1 slipped .0006 to

Unleaded gasoline
HUH1 |
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is on posting on the

and is setup in a cup and handle pattern. Gas is also on the 6/100 Low Volatility
, so watch this one to make a larger-than-normal move as the volatility
reverts to its mean. Other supporting technical data for the upside
argument include a Pullback From Highs
setup in March crude oil
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February gold
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caved to a multi-year low, finishing 1.9
lower at 262.9. However, gold’s pattern sets it up in a Turtle Soup Plus One Buy
for Monday.

Going the other way and poised to act as a potential
sympathetic booster to gold, silver
SIH1 |
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consolidating gains inside of its flag. This contract has going for it (on the
long side) a
Pullback From Highs
setup, a Momentum-5
reading and a cup-and-handle pattern. March added 1.5 to 482.5.

Grain contracts, which were filing out the Implosion-5 List
and wheat gapped lower to score a second consecutive New 10-Day Low. Traders are looking at the ideal growing conditions in
Brazil, the world’s second largest producer of soybeans and how a large South
American crop will likely (continue to) weigh on prices. Soymeal
SMH1 |
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continues to lead the way down here, finishing 1.4 lower at 1.4.