Vix Continues To Implode

For you OEX traders, the VIX continued to
implode on Monday. Once again, this suggests that
volatility is reverting back to its mean. However, as you know, these are not normal times. We remain in a news
driven environment. Therefore, use extreme caution should you decide to take
trades here.

Looking Ahead

Most sectors that
were in strong downtrends bounced on Monday. This should set up numerous
opportunities on the short side. For the more aggressive traders, you 
might look to fade this rally.
For everyone else, wait for these sectors
to set up.

For example, the semis
$SOX.X |
Quote |
Chart |
News |
begun to bounce and will likely set up as a short soon.

Best of
luck with your trading on Tuesday!

P.S. Reminder:
Protective stops on every trade!

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