Vix Getting Stretched

$XTC.X |
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, mentioned recently,
still looks like it has the potential to rally out of a loosely-formed cup and
handle. Continue to look for buying opportunities in calls
and call spreads here.

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For you OEX
traders. The Vix is getting stretched to the downside. This action sets up CVR
sell signals on the Market
Bias Page
. Further, the indices in general are overbought (see tonight’s
Stock Outlook). Therefore, look for buying opportunities in puts and put spreads

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Up/Looking Ahead

If you have
profits in gold and silver
$XAU.X |
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, mentioned recently, you might want
to lock in a piece as it is getting really extended.

I’m concerned that
$IIX.X |
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, mentioned recently, failed to follow through on
Friday. It looks like it has the potential to set up as a head and shoulders
formation. You might want to avoid the sector on the long side until this
pattern plays out.

Best of
luck with your trading on Monday!

P.S. Reminder:
Protective stops on every trade!

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