VIX Trading Strategies for Short Term Traders

For those of you who trade the VXX, tomorrow I’m going to share with you some counter-intuitive behavior research with you for the upcoming 3-day weekend. If the VXX is new to you, it’s the ETN for the VIX which is a measurement of fear in the marketplace. If the VXX is new to you, study it today as tomorrow’s research will give you the opportunity to place a historically high probability trade heading into the weekend.

Special Note – Our High Probability ETF Trading book is now released. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet you can do so by clicking here. The pre-sales for the book have exceeded our expectations and the early feedback from the many traders who have already downloaded the book has been excellent.

If you’d like to order your copy today, please click here now.

Larry Connors is CEO and Founder of and Connors Research.