Weak Economy Weakens Euro

Euro FX futures
ECU1 |
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Swiss francs

SFU1 |
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, and

British pounds

BPU1 |
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are down after reports showed that unemployment
rose and industrial production in Germany fell. Germany is the largest economy
in the 12-currency euro bloc. Notice how Off The Blocks
keeps you out of long entries in the EC and SF Momentum
markets. The EC is demonstrating signs of continuing momentum by bouncing off
intraday double bottoms and is now trading on its high of the session. 

As mentioned in yesterday’s Futures Market Recap,
November soybeans
SX1 |
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 continued to find support at the 50%
retracement of their early summer rally. Yesterday’s late rally into the close
in the bean complex resulted in a pop-up opening and a potential new gap window
of support below 497. 

Soy meal
SMZ1 |
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also popped open and is
higher for the second session off its Turtle Soup Plus One buy signal from

In the energies,
September crude oil
CLU1 |
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is following through after appearing on the

for yesterday’s market. Unleaded gasoline
HUU1 |
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was also showing nascent signs of a potential momentum pulse by registering on

New 10-Day Highs List
yesterday. The word in this market now is that
gasoline demand is running above views for the season, which should keep upward
pressure on prices. As they have already mentioned, OPEC will cut its output by
one million barrels a day by Sept. 1, also working to support prices.