Trading Markets

Beans Getting Crushed

Soybeans are breaking down and leaving an island topformation. A lot of the volatility in grains has been on speculation over theweather during a critical growing phase. Take note that the Pre-OpeningFutures Outlook pointed out the, short-term weather still looksbearish and that although the outl

The Mobile Rally

The worlds biggest maker of mobile phones, Nokia
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PowerRating), is fueling abroad-based rally in technology shares after predicting higher earnings in thefourth quarter. After its worst close at a  two-year low

OPEC’s Crude

Nearby crude oil
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PowerRating)is jumping off yesterdays six-month low after OPECs largest producer,Saudi Arabia, said the cartel could cut output before its regularlyscheduled meeting in September. OPEC

Grinding Surge

Cocoa surged in its biggest rally in a month ahead of key quarterly demand data

Are They Too High?

In the midst of one of the heaviest earnings weeks on the calendar, market participants are asking, “Are earnings and profit estimates too high?” And one of the most informed officials implied that they might be in light of his reading on the economy.In his semi-annual address before the

The Chairman Moves Financial Futures

Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan’s comments to the House Financial Services Committee that the economy is still underperforming and that “we are not free of the risk that economic weakness will be greater than currently anticipated, and (could) require further policy response” i


Grains are up sharply on deteriorating weather forecasts during the critical pollination period. Corn pollination is severely retarded compared to prior years and to the five-year moving average. Only 6% — and as little as 1% — of corn has pollinated: the average pollination rate at this stage of