Trading Markets

The Plow Behind The Dow

Stronger-than-expected earnings from Dow components are maintaining a steady bid for blue-chip stocks, which is spilling over to keep tech atbreakeven levels.Caterpillar
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PowerRating) and International Paper

Kick Off Time!

Markets are testing the downside in choppy morning trade

Corn Getting Husked Again

Corn futures
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PowerRating) are falling sharply for a second day as traders reassess whether changes in the crop forecast and weather outlook last week merited a 28-cent run in prices. As pointed out in Friday’s

Pullbacks Prompting Futures Gains — Up And Down

Several markets are marking good on Pullback setups, both up and down. October sugar
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PowerRating) is triggering its Pullback Off Lows setup at the low of the pullbackGÇÖs high bar. August hogs

Corn Pops

MarcDupee will be out of the office today. In his absence this column will bewritten by TradersWires Daniel Beighley.Stock futures were given aninjection of bull juice as Microsoft stated their fourth-quarter outlook wouldbe better than expected. Meanwhile, Yahoo beat its earnings expectations by a

Mr. Softee Firms Market

After the close on Wednesday, Microsoft
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PowerRating)announced that they would have a 3% gainin their fourth-quarter earnings. On the news, stocks gapped opened onThursday and so far are holding their gains.Microsoft