Trading Markets

Soy Ahoy!

What do you do when a commodity sector fills up and dominates the Momentum-5 List and also registers on the New 10-Day Highs List? Recognize the momentum and strive to find a defined-risk entry point.This is what is occurring in the grains as the five major Chicago contracts are rallying in a moment

The Slash And Burn Technique

Stocks are giving back gains made in yesterday’s reaction rally, trading on their lows of the session as they trace Pullback From Lows patterns below the necklines of head-and-shoulder top formations. Traders are eyeing the latest negative from the telecom world: Corning

Beans, Momentum Magic

If you were not already long the Momentum-5 leader, September beans
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PowerRating), there was opportunity for a play again this morning with an Off The Blocks entry. Beans gapped up this morning, cleared the opening ra

Currency Of Last Resort?

The strong dollar is taking center stage as economists seek to determine if and when the US economy will rebound. The dollar hit fresh highs last week, but the Group of Seven industrialized nations meeting in Rome over the weekend made no joint statement about the strength of the dollar. Without coo

It Can Pay To Have A Bias

Keying off the Market Bias Indicators page is giving traders a tremendous edge this morning as stock index futures tank. From last night, we had a “critical mass” of three down-pointing indicators: Connors VIX Reversal II, CHADTP, and a TRIN Thrust. The VIX itself had recently hit a nine

Going In With A Bias

It is always good to try to enter the
trading day with a bias, one way to do this is to look at the Market Bias
Indicators on the web site. Going into the July 4th holiday, we had six of our
market bias indicators pointing down which indicates the momentum for the day
initially will be down