Trading Markets

Coffee Traders Look At Crop, Discount Cartel

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PowerRating) is selling off afteryesterdays Association of Coffee Producing Countries (ACPC) meeting in Londonas the market shifts its focus from the possible retention of coffeefrom the world market due t

Coffee Break

Coffee broke down from highs as the market shrugged off

Buck Bolstered By Beckner

A reporter who follows the Fed for Market News, StevenBeckner, wrote in an article yesterday that the monetary-policy setting body wasinclined to cut rates 25 basis points rather than 50 basis points, the amountthe market was widely expecting.March dollar index futures
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Heating Fuels Melting

Heating fuels are down as forecasts for warm weather are lowering demandexpectations. Natural gas
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PowerRating)gapped lower out of its Pullback FromLows setup and is trading at opening levels in a narrow range down


Livestock traders bolted for the exit gates,

Funds Still Covering Cocoa

Fridays Commitments of Traders Report showed there were still funds short cocoa after the pasttwo weeks heady 200-plus-point gain. Funds are continuing to cover shorts ascocoa, the leading Momentum-5list contract are showing strong gains again, up 38 at 995.Coffee is in a similar position with

Highly Competitive

T-bonds are down sharply, failing to follow through after closing on their highsyesterday. Besides a sharp two-day run up in prices, there is a lot of competingcorporate debt available, offering higher yields. For instance, TonyCrescenzi just minutes ago said that Sears would offer 10-year notes wh

Oh, Philadelphia!

An unusually slow Philadelphia Feds January Business Outlook Survey has thebonds and currencies roiling. T-bond futures
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PowerRating) ralliedon an unusually weak Philadelphia Feds January Business Outlook Surve