Trading Markets

Productive Punch

A sharp rise in quarterly productivity in the US boosted
blue chips and took sent Dow futures

Productive Dollar Reigns

An exceptionally strong productivity showing by the USeconomy is bolstering the buck, taking dollar index futures
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PowerRating) towithin shooting distance of contract highs. Dollar index futures are the leadingcontra

Naz Follows The Leader

Nasdaq 100 futures
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PowerRating) are following the stock that has been leading thefutures–both to the upside and downside-in recent sessions. JDS Uniphases
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Heating Oil Fires Energy Rally

Depleted supplies and a sluggish build of stockpilesare fueling traders concern that there will be insufficient heating oil to warmNortheastern homes this winter. Tuesdays API report showed a sharp reduction inboth crude oil and distillates (heating oil) stores, providing the impetus for four con

European Rate Move Reverberates Throughout Markets

The decision by the European Central Bank (ECB) to leave interest ratesunchanged is rippling through financial markets, effecting currencies, bonds,and metals. TheEuro FX
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PowerRating) and Swiss francs

Oil Drain = Crude Gain

The biggest drop in weekly inventories in six months is taking the energy market bysurprise and fueling a rally in crude oil, unleaded gasoline and heating oil. TheAmerican Petroleum Institute said crude reserves dropped by a whopping threemillion barrels, which has lead to an average 2% jump in fut

Manufacturing A Rally

A slight drop in US manufacturing activity is kickingT-bonds to the top of their recent range and lending a bullish slant to morepotential upside. The National Association of Purchasing Managements indexshowed manufacturing grew at a slower than expected pace in July rising 51.8.The number was unch

Last Gust For Gas?

The threat of a hurricane developing from a tropical
depression in the Gulf of Mexico