Trading Markets

Other People’s Money

With the latest rescue plan for automakers, Gary Kaltbaum’s comments on government intervention in the market and the use of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to bailout a slew of companies and industries in 2008.

Who is Going to Bail Out the FED?

As exhilaration fades over the Fed’s latest move to cut interest rates, Gary Kaltbaum comments on the prospect of the Federal Reserve needing a bailout from their own bad bets.

Will This Rally Stick?

How tough has this market been to navigate recently? With one more month to go in this very eventful year, Gary Kaltbaum weighs in on the most volatile market ever, as well as, predictions for 2009.

One Goal: Inflate Asset Prices

$300 billion to CITI and today another $800 billion program to bailout the U.S. financial system. Gary Kaltbaum weighs in on the markets reaction to the government induced bubble.

Enron Rescued – I Mean Citigroup Rescued!

There is still no end in sight to our government’s largesses, as Citigroup is added to the slew of companies on the government’s rescue plan. Gary Kaltbaum weighs in on Citi’s bailout.


For Gary Kaltbaum, the word “delusional” comes to mind as Citigroup chief Pandit continues to reiterated that the company’s capital position is strong.

On The Ledge Again!

Why is GE having to raise more capital? Is Citigroup next? See Gary Kaltbaum’s commentary as he takes on the automakers seeking a bailout, as well as, Paulson’s statement on TARP.

Insane Market Action

With the wild swings of the Dow last week, many pundits have come up with all kinds of reasons for this ridiculous action — hedge funds redemptions, continuing news on the financial crisis. Gary Kaltbaum comments on what’s to come in this longer-term bear market.

Making It Up As They Go Along

The auto companies are lined up for a proposed bailout, AIG is up to $150 billion in giveaways and American Express has asked to be named a bank holding company. See Gary Kaltbaum’s take on why this is becoming a bear market for the ages.

The Evidence at Hand

Have we seen the bear market low? According to Gary Kaltbaum, the evidence is slowly coming in…and it is not thrilling.

My Take On The Election

Election Day is well underway and Gary Kaltbaum weighs in on Obama’s tax plan, as well as, take to task the media’s over reporting and underreporting of the presidential candidates.