What to Make of the Bearish Market: Questions and Answers with Gary Kaltbaum
With talks of depression, bank failures, and government stimulus, the recent steep market downturns is significantly nerve-racking. Gary Kaltbaum answers reader’s emails on what’s to come and how to beat today’s brutal bear market.
Dr. Alan Greenspan – Mr. Bubbles
Even with the Dow up over 170 on Thursday in another wild trading day, stocks have melted back toward their recent lows in Friday’s early trade. Gary Kaltbaum breaks down Former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan’s congressional testimony, plus the markets’ latest swings.
Hank Paulson-Savior
U.S. stocks are poised to open higher on Monday, but Gary Kaltbaum believes that bear markets do not just bottom…especially bad bear markets. Kaltbaum weighs in on Hank Paulson’s credit-crunch proposal, and talks of a small recession.
President Obama
McCain may have come out strong, but Gary Kaltbaum believes it was Barack Obama’s demeanor which gained him strength in last night’s final presidential debate. See Kaltbaum’s take on the McCain, Obama Debate; Bernanke’s dim outlook on the credit debacle and crude’s stunning collapse.
1-800-THE-GOVT… The Lines Are Now Open
What is your government doing in the financial sector? Do most people even know? See Gary Kaltbaum’s take on the irony of using nonexistent money to bailout a bank system that failed from overleveraging.
The Cuckoo’s Nest
Are you trusting the right financial analysts to direct your investment during this bear market? Maybe the people on the news aren’t the first people you should be turning to.
How’s That Bailout Bill Working?
The federal government pushed for a bailout that is so far failing to restore investor confidence, causing a 17-25% drop in all major US exchanges. Is their new solution going to fix things?
Sentiment Now Bearish As All Heck
Kaltbaum is waiting for the Bear Market bottom, and the media is already calling a Depression! See his thoughts on that.
Revenge of the Free Markets
Paulson is already setting the wolves up to guard the sheep pen. Commentary on this and more from one of the biggest free-market proponents in the trading circle.
Karl Marx Would be Thrilled
There’s no pulling punches here, Kaltbaum sees red in the Federal bailout plan. See why he’s against the bailout plan, and Henry Paulson himself.
Classic Bear Market Action
The markets are tough, but Gary Kaltbaum has full confidence in the United States economy. It’s weathered a lot in the past, and now he’ll tell you why the bull market will return… eventually.
Just Ban Short Selling Altogether!
It’s time to shift focus away from the short sellers and look at the bank themselves that brought down the financial industry.